‘Reinventing Borde Hill’ Project Journal

Connecting communities with the restorative power of nature

News & Views

Welcome to the journal for ‘Reinventing Borde Hill’, our National Lottery Heritage Fund project – a space for news, insights, and behind-the-scenes stories as we shape an exciting new chapter for our historic Estate.

With a rich botanical heritage, Borde Hill has long been home to a nationally important collection of rare plants and trees. As we plan for the future, we remain committed to safeguarding this invaluable collection for generations to come. Through this project, we are unlocking 110 acres of our heritage-listed South Park, inviting new and diverse audiences to explore its beauty while enhancing the biodiversity that thrives within its landscape.

Join us on this journey as we reconnect people with nature, heritage, and the evolving story of Borde Hill.

This is a post could be news or blog

This is a post could be news or blog

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‘Reinventing Borde Hill’ approved by Mid Sussex District Council

‘Reinventing Borde Hill’ approved by Mid Sussex District Council

Project secures approval, unlocking 110 acres of heritage listed parkland for new and diverse audiences.
‘Reinventing Borde Hill’ secures funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund

‘Reinventing Borde Hill’ secures funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund

Funding secured from the National Heritage Lottery Fund

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