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January 28, 2025
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In est magna, eleifend quis dolor eu, aliquet condimentum metus. Sed est odio, iaculis ac consequat ac, tincidunt eget tortor. Nam vel…...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In est magna, eleifend quis dolor eu, aliquet condimentum metus. Sed est odio, iaculis ac consequat ac, tincidunt eget tortor. Nam vel vulputate leo. Suspendisse vel diam quis nibh consequat finibus interdum quis enim. Vestibulum porta arcu leo, eu aliquam nulla iaculis ut. Mauris non tincidunt lacus, ac consectetur lectus. Vestibulum quis sem urna.

Proin volutpat nulla ac mauris vestibulum, vitae tincidunt enim facilisis. Nullam facilisis volutpat sapien, a viverra augue pellentesque eu. Fusce suscipit pulvinar nisl, ut elementum massa consequat ac. Fusce neque dui, hendrerit posuere volutpat consequat, imperdiet eget risus. Quisque sed lobortis elit, in pharetra neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam pharetra justo dolor, eu finibus lectus dictum sed. Pellentesque sit amet condimentum nibh. Pellentesque sit amet sem mi. Praesent rutrum tortor non mi egestas, ut fermentum est fermentum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent et consectetur nisl, ut malesuada felis. Vivamus justo nunc, malesuada ut leo nec, euismod tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum scelerisque ultricies finibus.

Aliquam ornare pulvinar ligula, vel tempor mauris mollis ac. Donec in condimentum erat. In venenatis rutrum magna. Pellentesque a velit dapibus velit aliquet scelerisque vitae sit amet est. Praesent rhoncus arcu nunc. Cras magna risus, sodales sit amet finibus gravida, lobortis quis tellus. Donec consequat nec est a luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec suscipit elit at sollicitudin mattis. Aenean sollicitudin in magna eget vestibulum. Maecenas commodo mi tempor, dictum sapien vel, vulputate ante. Morbi mattis fermentum gravida. In ornare, neque a vulputate semper, massa tellus vestibulum orci, non dignissim mauris magna sed tortor. Cras accumsan tincidunt posuere. Fusce consequat, ante vel ornare fringilla, erat urna viverra tellus, nec elementum elit tellus et ante.

Two adults wearing hats at an event at Borde Hill during the summer.

Become a Member

Make the most of the great outdoors and visit time and again by becoming a Member of Borde Hill

Borde Hill Membership is your ticket to enjoy unlimited access to the Garden and Parkland throughout the open season. Our members also receive free entry to a number of exciting events, from live music in the Garden to Specialist Plant Fairs, and much more. Family Membership also provides unlimited access to the Adventure Playground and free school holiday trails.

Discover the Possibilities

A family next to the water feature in the Rose Garden at Borde Hill during summer.

Become a Member

Membership is your ticket to enjoy unlimited access to the Garden, Parkland and Woodland throughout the open season. Our members also receive free entry to a number of exciting events, from live music in the Garden to Specialist Plant Fairs and much more. Family Membership provides unlimited access to the Adventure Playground and free school holiday trails.

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Italian Garden at Borde Hill. Image: Molly Hollman

Our Garden & Grounds

Set within 383 acres of heritage listed Parkland, our formal Garden captivates and delights visitors with a series of intimate 'Garden rooms'. Beyond the formal Garden you can explore Woodland walks, the South Park and our lakes with outstanding views across the Sussex High Weald.

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A misty atmospheric view of trees in North Park at Borde Hill with cows in the distance.

Support Us

As a small, independent Garden Charity, we rely on your kind generosity to help fund our projects and to continue to grow sustainably, protecting our natural heritage for generations to come. 'Reinventing Borde Hill' is our most ambitious project to date and your support will help us to achieve exciting plans to benefit our local community.

It would make a huge difference if you would consider supporting us by making a donation – thank you.

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